Dominican art gallery "Lyle O. Reitzel Arte Contemporáneo", founded in Santo Domingo in 1995 and with almost three decades in the local and international scene, has been selected for the third time to represent the Dominican Republic at the prestigious Contemporary Art Fair "Zona Maco 2022", to be held between February 9 and 13 at the Citibanamex Center in Mexico City.
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The Kingdom of This World, Reimagined - OPENING DEC 6TH
The Kingdom of This World, Reimagined , curated by Professor in Art History in Texas Tech University Lesley A. Wolff, (Ph.D.) & organized by Marie Vickles, celebrates the 70th anniversary of Cuban writer Alejo Carpentier’s historical novel, The Kingdom of This World (1949). The story follows the trials and tribulations of Ti Noël, an enslaved laborer on a colonial sugar plantation in Saint Domingue. After Ti Noël’s friend, Makandal, loses his arm in an accident and flees the plantation, the events surrounding the Haitian Revolution are set into motion. During this volatile era of revolution and change, Ti Noël struggles to find a place for himself as a free man on an island where he was once enslaved. As Ti Noël’s journey unfolds, so too do the historical events before, during, and after the Haitian Revolution (circa 1791-1804), which Carpentier cleverly weaves into the fictional and marvelous tale of Ti Noël’s many spiritual and physical transformations. This storied novel is credited with helping to launch the literary genre of lo real maravilloso [the marvelous real] in the Western Hemisphere and has served as an archetypal framework for the comminglings of histories and imaginings in the Caribbean since its initial publication seventy years ago.
This exhibition brings to life the slippages of past and present manifest in Carpentier’s masterpiece through a dynamic grouping of contemporary artworks, each of which responds to the novel’s vivid and violent descriptions of colonial enslavement and the struggle for Black freedom and nation. Participating international artists include Dudley Alexis, José Bedia, Edouard Duval-Carrié, Scherezade García, Sergio García, José García Cordero, Simryn Gill, Leah Gordon, Roberto Juárez, and Maggie Steber. The works featured will emphasize painting, photography and mixed media compositions that utilize Carpentier’s imaginative work as the catalyst to engage dialogues about the “Global Caribbean” through themes of revolution, autonomy, history and Caribbean ecologies.
The Little Haiti Cultural Complex will host an opening reception for the exhibition from 4PM to 6PM on Friday, December 6, 2019, which will be precede and followed by receptions for related exhibition programming sponsored by the Little Haiti Cultural Center and the Haitian Cultural Arts Alliance. All programs are free and open to the public.
The exhibition will be on view by appointment from December 6, 2019 through January 20,
2020 at the Little Haiti Cultural Center Gallery Satellite Gallery, 307 NE 61 st St., Miami, Florida
Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery agradece a todos los asistentes del Privée de la nueva exposición Espacio Vivo: Lo Nuevo, El Retorno, Lo Inesperado en celebración de su 23 aniversario en la escena artístisca.
La exposición presenta lo Nuevo del fantástico dúo español “Los Bravú”. El Retorno del artista cubano Gustavo Acosta (1958) y Lo Inesperado protagonizado por el artista dominicano Juan Mayí (1963). Se integran así mismo los íconos cubanos Luis Cruz Azaceta (1942) y José Bedia (1959), el Maestro uruguayo Ignacio Iturria (1949) y como contraparte dominicana se suman José García Cordero(1951), Raúl Recio (1965), Gerard Ellis (1976) y Gustavo Peña (1979). Por último, presentamos al gran artista contemporáneo Walter Iraheta (El Salvador, 1968) entre muchos otros. La exposición continuara abierta al publico hasta el 31 de Enero del 2019.
Los Bravú, “Retrato de chica con gorra”, 2018 Vinyl acrylic on Arches 300gr paper 29h x 22w in.
Espacio Vivo: The New, The Comeback, The Unexpected.
Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery founded in 1995, celebrates 23 years of uninterrupted trajectory representing the national and international contemporary art scene. LOR Gallery introduces their new collective show titled Espacio Vivo: The New, The Comeback, The Unexpected in their Santo Domingo headquarters this 23rd of November, 2018.
This exhibition comprises of a body of work composed by several artists of different backgrounds, style and generations.
The New is represented by the emerging Spanish Duo “Los Bravú”. Dea Gómez (1988) and Diego Omil (1989) established in Pontevedra, Spain. The artists came together to create a unique language influenced by Italian Renascentist iconography juxtaposed with contemporary elements. In addition, renowned artist Jesús Zurita (Ceuta, 1975) established in Granada, Spain, introduces pieces defined by his attention to detail and his relationship with images and media, which is why film, animation, comics and literature are key items in his work.
Gustavo Acosta, “Gliding” Acrylic on Canvas 67h × 67w in
The Comeback of Cuban artist Gustavo Acosta (1958) solidifies the show with his enigmatic compositions in which architecture, symbolism and abstract imagery trigger the spectators collective memory. Starring The Unexpected is Dominican artist Juan Mayí (1963), whose explosive and expressive brushstrokes complement his experimental abstractionism, resulting in captivating artwork.
Juan Mayí, X from the series “Memoria Sígnica”, 2015. Oil on linen. 203h x 203w cm
In addition, we exhibit the works of Iconic cuban artists Luis Cruz Azaceta (1942) and José Bedia (1959), Uruguayan maestro Ignacio Iturria (1949), winner of the Venice Biennial, Edouard Duval-Carrié (1954, Haití), recently honored with the first Ellie Michael Richards price awarded by Art Center/South Florida, and Santiago Ydáñez (1969, Jaén), recipient of the BMW Painting Award 2018. Joining Mayí in the exhibition, are fellow Dominican artists José García Cordero(1951), Raúl Recio (1965), Gerard Ellis (1976) and Gustavo Peña (1979). Lastly, the great contemporary artist Walter Iraheta (El Salvador, 1968) re-incorporates the team showcasing his new series of drawings on paper “Gente Armada”.
Jesús Zurita, “Amanece”, 2009 Acrylic on Linen. 200h x 200w cm
LOR Gallery is the result of 23 years of hard work, successfully becoming a catalyst for the contemporary art scene in the Dominican Republic. By vigorously working with a selection of dominican, caribbean and latin american artists LOR Gallery helped place the Dominican Republic on the artistic map. With the use of basic tools such as intuition, a critical eye and a particular taste that transcends fashion and tendencies, LOR Gallery discovers new talents while supporting established ones in a multicultural atmosphere; because of this, it has elevated artists by placing their work in private and international collections.
Through 2006-2010 LOR Gallery established its presence in the international market opening a new space in Wynwood Art District. In June 2016 its branch in New York inaugurated with José García Cordero’s solo show titled “Tales From the Caribbean Nights”.
LOR Gallery has organized numerous exhibitions in museums, institutions and galleries worldwide, including its participation in some of the most prestigious international art fairs such as: ARCO, Madrid; VOLTA, New York; CONTEXT Art, Miami; Art Miami, CONTEXT New York, ARTE BA, Buenos Aires. PULSE Miami; SCOPE New York, SCOPE Miami’, PINTA, Londres, PINTA, New York; ZONA MACO, México; MIART, Milano; KIAF, Korea, etc.
Espacio Vivo: The New, The Comeback, The Unexpected
Opening: November 23rd, 2018.
Duration: 7 – 10 PM
November 23, 2018
Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery Santo Domingo,
Gustavo Mejía Ricart esq Abraham Lincoln
Torre Piantini, Suite 1A
Espacio Vivo: Lo Nuevo, El Retorno, Lo Inesperado.
La Galería de Arte Contemporáneo Lyle O. Reitzel, fundada en 1995 y con sede en N.Y. celebra sus 23 años de trayectoria ininterrumpida en la escena nacional e internacional con un impactante show colectivo titulado “Espacio Vivo: Lo nuevo, el retorno y lo inesperado” en su sede principal en Santo Domingo el próximo 23 de noviembre 2018.
La exhibición reúne un cuerpo de obras inéditas de artistas de múltiples estilos, generaciones y procedencia geográfica.
Los Bravú, “Retrato de chica con gorra”, 2018. Vinyl acrylic on Arches 300gr paper 29 x 22 in.
Lo Nuevo es representado con la propuesta emergente del fantástico dúo español “Los Bravú”, conformado por Dea Gómez (1988) y Diego Omil (1989) y establecidos en Pontevedra, quienes desarrollan una carrera ascendente con un lenguaje muy particular, influenciados por la iconografía renacentista Italiana con elementos contemporáneos. Al mismo tiempo se suma el reconocido artista Jesús Zurita (Ceuta, 1974) quien vive y trabaja en Granada, de una obra narrativa, con gran atención sobre la composición del plano pictórico y la relación entre las imágenes; por lo que no es de extrañar que el cine, la animación, el cómic y la literatura sean manantiales que le proporcionan caudal.
Gustavo Acosta, “Gliding” Acrylic on Canvas, 67×67″.
El Retorno del artista cubano Gustavo Acosta (1958) es significativo y un gran aporte al show con sus obras enigmáticas donde la arquitectura funge como símbolo y sus patrones geométricos se instalan en la memoria colectiva. En el territorio de Lo Inesperado es protagonizado por el laureado artista dominicano Juan Mayí (1963), tan explosivo e irreverente como sus experimentaciones abstractas.
Juan Mayí, X from the series “Memoria Sígnica”, 2015. Oil on linen. 203 x 203cm.
Se integran así mismo los íconos cubanos Luis Cruz Azaceta (1942) y José Bedia (1959), el Maestro uruguayo Ignacio Iturria (1949), ganador de la Bienal de Venecia, Edouard Duval-Carrié (1954, Haití), reconocido recientemente con el premio Ellie Michael Richards otorgado por Art Center/South Florida, y Santiago Ydáñez (1969, Jaén), ganador del Premio de Pintura BMW 2018. Como contraparte dominicana se suman José García Cordero(1951), Raúl Recio (1965), Gerard Ellis (1976) y Gustavo Peña (1979). Por último, se reintegra a LOR Gallery el gran artista contemporáneo Walter Iraheta (El Salvador, 1968) un comeback muy esperado, presentando su nueva serie de dibujos en papel “Gente Armada”.
Jesús Zurita, “Amanece”, 2009 Acrylic on Linen.200 x 200 cm
LOR Arte Contemporáneo es el reflejo de un trabajo incansable y sistemático que inicia hace 23 años, fomentando el desarrollo de la carrera de artistas dominicanos, caribeños e iberoamericanos de vanguardia, desde República Dominicana hacia el mundo, con coherencia y una selección impecable, utilizando como herramientas básicas un ojo crítico, la intuición y un gusto particular que trasciende modas y tendencias, descubriendo nuevos talentos emergentes y apoyando un importante grupo de artistas multigeneracionales al elevarlos al nivel de sus pares en otras latitudes e integrando sus obras al coleccionismo internacional privado e institucional.
En el período 2006-2010, afianza su presencia en el mercado internacional abriendo un nuevo espacio en Wynwood Art District, y en junio 2016 inaugura su sede en Nueva York con el solo show “Tales From the Caribbean Nights ” del artista dominicano José García Cordero.
Ha organizado innumerables exhibiciones en Museos, Instituciones y Galerías alrededor del mundo, participando también en algunas de las más prestigiosas ferias de arte internacionales como: ARCO, Madrid; VOLTA, New York; CONTEXT Art, Miami; Art Miami, CONTEXT New York, ARTE BA, Buenos Aires. PULSE Miami; SCOPE New York, SCOPE Miami’, PINTA, Londres, PINTA, New York; ZONA MACO, México; MIART, Milano; KIAF, Korea, entre otras.
Espacio Vivo: Lo nuevo, el retorno y lo inesperado.
Apertura: 23 Noviembre, 2018
Duración: 7 – 10 PM
Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery Santo Domingo,
Gustavo Mejía Ricart esq Abraham Lincoln
Torre Piantini, Suite 1A