Feat. José García Cordero, Gerard Ellis, Gustavo Peña y Manuela Corji

“Paisajes iluminados, desde la perspectiva urbana-arquitectónica, se trasladan ida y vuelta al territorio rural, monte adentro…

Coexistiendo en el interior y el exterior, es el escenario donde se mimetizan la imaginación y la realidad, a diferentes horas del día, la tarde y la noche de luna llena, documentado los estados de la luz y la sombra. Aquí, el panorama intimista, con imágenes oníricas y alucinantes, revelan un Caribe posible, bucólico, erótico e impredecible.

El asalto del tíguere de barrio, personaje cotidiano que se multiplica exponencialmente día tras día, y se sigue normalizando en nuestras ciudades ya colapsadas por el cáos y los tapones. También emerge el delivery armado hasta los dientes, que vuela por calles, aceras y callejones, como símbolo nacional urbano e ícono imprescindible de necesidades domésticas y los vicios en todo el país”. Feat. José García Cordero, Gerard Ellis, Gustavo Peña and Manuela Corji "Illuminated landscapes, from the urban-architectural perspective, move back and forth to rural territory, inland... Coexisting inside and outside, it is the setting where imagination and reality blend, at different times of the day, afternoon and full moon night, documenting the states of light and shadow. Here, the intimate panorama, with dreamy and hallucinating images, reveal a possible, bucolic, erotic and unpredictable Caribbean. The assault of the neighborhood tíguere, an everyday character that multiplies exponentially day after day, and continues to normalize in our cities already collapsed by chaos and traffic jams. The delivery service armed to the teeth also emerges, flying through the streets, sidewalks and alleys, as a national urban symbol and an essential icon of domestic needs and vices throughout the country”.

“Illuminated landscapes, from the urban-architectural perspective, move back and forth to the rural territory, in the mountains...

Coexisting inside and outside, it is the setting where imagination and reality blend, at different times of the day, the evening and the night of the full moon, documenting the states of light and shadow. Here, the intimate panorama, with dreamlike and hallucinating images, reveal a possible, bucolic, erotic and unpredictable Caribbean. The assault of the neighborhood tíguere, an everyday character that multiplies exponentially day after day, and continues to normalize in our cities already collapsed by chaos and stoppers. The delivery service armed to the teeth also emerges, flying through the streets, sidewalks and alleys, as a national urban symbol and essential icon of domestic needs and vices throughout the country”. Feat. José García Cordero, Gerard Ellis, Gustavo Peña and Manuela Corji "Illuminated landscapes, from the urban-architectural perspective, move back and forth to rural territory, inland... Coexisting inside and outside, it is the setting where imagination and reality blend, at different times of the day, afternoon and full moon night, documenting the states of light and shadow.Here, the intimate panorama, with dreamy and hallucinating images, reveal a possible, bucolic, erotic and unpredictable Caribbean.The assault of the neighborhood tíguere, an everyday character that multiplies exponentially day after day, and continues to normalize in our cities already collapsed by chaos and traffic jams.The delivery service armed to the teeth also emerges, flying through the streets, sidewalks and alleys, as a national urban symbol and an essential icon of domestic needs and vices throughout the country”.