Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery celebra los reconocimientos simultáneos recibidos por nuestros artistas Santiago Ydáñez, 33º Premio BMW de Pintura en Madrid, y Edouard Duval-Carrié, primer galardonado con el premio Ellies’s Michael Richards en Miami.

La Reina Doña Sofía y Santiago Ydañez junto a la obra galardonada con el 33º Premio de Pintura BMW “Retrato Fallido de Lorca”.

La Reina Doña Sofía y Santiago Ydañez junto a la obra galardonada con el 33º Premio de Pintura BMW “Retrato Fallido de Lorca”.

El artista español Santiago Ydañez fue otorgado el 33º premio BMW de Pintura por su obra ‘Retrato fallido de Lorca’ el día miércoles 24 de octubre del 2018. Ydáñez recibió el galardón, dotado con 25.000 euros en una gala celebrada en el Teatro Real de Madrid, bajo la presidencia de Su Majestad la Reina Doña Sofía, acompañada por su hermana la Princesa Irene de Grecia. También, asistió el vicepresidente de Estrategia y Comunicación Corporativa de BMW Group a nivel mundial, Bill McAndrews, quien destacó en su discurso el compromiso que BMW Group mantiene con el arte y el talento joven en España, valorando el desarrollo cultural como pieza clave de la evolución social.

Santiago Ydañez ‘Retrato Fallido de Lorca’, 2018 33° Premio de Pintura BMW

Santiago Ydañez ‘Retrato Fallido de Lorca’, 2018
33° Premio de Pintura BMW

Santiago Ydañez, S/T 70 x 100cm Acrylic on canvas

Santiago Ydañez, S/T
70 x 100cm
Acrylic on canvas

Edouard Duval-Carrié es galardonado en la primera edición del premio Ellies’s Michaels Richard otorgado por el Art Center / South Florida

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El artista Edouard Duval-Carrié de origen Haitiano fue otorgado el día miércoles 24 de Octubre del 2018 el premio The Ellies’s Michaels Richard Award por el Art Center/South Florida quienes premian a artistas locales por cultivar prácticas de arte originales a largo plazo.

Duval, quien ha vivido en Miami por treinta años, fue escogido para ganar el premio de 75.000 dólares al igual que una comisión en The Bass en Miami Beach, por una selección de curadores y artistas locales e internacionales.

Edouard Duval-Carrié La Traversée, 2016 Mixed media on aluminum in artist’s frame 68” x 68”

Edouard Duval-Carrié La Traversée, 2016
Mixed media on aluminum in artist’s frame
68” x 68”

Edouard Duval-Carrié Mountain Creeper, 2015 Mixed media in aluminium 47″ in diamater

Edouard Duval-Carrié Mountain Creeper, 2015
Mixed media in aluminium
47″ in diamater

Press Release "Fulgor" by Santiago Ydañez


Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery, founded in 1995 with locations in New York and Santo Domingo, is proud to announce Fulgor, the first solo show in the Dominican Republic by renounced Spanish artist Santiago Ydáñez, which will take place on November 2 in its main location in Santo Domingo, Torre Piantini, from 6:00pm-10:00pm.

Fulgor is an impactful collection of works from 2010 to 2017, with more than a dozen large format paintings in acrylic on canvas, where the artist shows an impressive touch and fine gestures. He also integrates other objects from a recollection of vintage elements, which he intervenes and

appropriates, elevating them in what is considered “objet d’art”. In his artworks, he cultivates his non expressionist portraits, landscapes, and animal iconography.

According to Omar Pascual Castillo, a Cuban-born art critic living in Spain: “Ydáñez’s painting avoids being illusory, the force of his stroke fractures all illusion, it kills it, destroys it with strength stuck in time, made into gesture, never still, in that strange calmness that is the pictorial.”

Born in Jaén (1969), Ydáñez is acclaimed by Spanish and European critics as one of the most prestigious contemporary artists, after being rigorously evaluated by deep technical studies. A graduate in Fine Arts from Granada University, he has developed and consolidated a solid international reputation. As such, he has presented his art in different scenarios including Spain, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, Norway, France the United States and Canada.

Among his accomplishments, Ydáñez has been conferred with the ABC award for painting and awarded first Pintura Generación 2002 Caja Madrid prize. He has also received scholarships and grants from the Colegio de España in Paris and the Marcelino Botin Foundation in Santander. He has also completed artistic residences in both Academia de España in Rome and Casa Wabi in México.

His work is part of numerous collections, which include the National Center of Arts Reina Sofia Museum, Mojacar de Almeria Museum, Zabaleta Museum, Botin Foundation of Junta de Castilla-León, Sofia Imber of Caracas, L’Oreal of Madrid, Municipal Museum in Madrid, National Center of Arts Reina Sofia Museum and the ABC Collection of Madrid.

Fulgor will be open to the public until December 15th 2017.